Speaking of YP lifestyle--what better way to start off some fresh posts than with this artsy little lady? Only 27 and look at this stunning apartment Kyle DeWoody has acquired for herself...not.too.shabby.
She is owner of her own design shop, Grey Area as well as creative director. You go girl--I'd be happy with half this art & furniture collection at 27!
See the rest of the story here: http://www.vogue.com/culture/article/apt-with-lsd-kyle-dewoody/#
I have been MIA (again). But for plenty of good reasons. I have been adjusting to this wonderful, wonderful new lifestyle of the young professional & trust me I have been soaking it up! Maybe a little too much...
My days have been filled with all sorts of things that make my heart sing. Good friends. Good design. Good food.
My motto these days is simply to follow my own personal bliss and so far it has lead me to some wonderful places and people. I have pressed some letters (letterpress), become a regular at the Ballard farmer's market and have been continuing to look for the beauty in the everyday details.
Can't wait to share more--I hope I am back for good! I have lots of inspiration up my sleeve that I just sometimes get too sidetracked to share & what good is that for you or me?
Cheers to a wonderful start to summer & lots of fun posts to come along!
Image above is a compilation of some of my latest instagrams--be sure to follow me here because I am 120% addicted to this way of capturing personal lifestyle!